New Product Launch! Optico Professional cleaning wipers are made for cleaning protective, prescription and performance eyewear. They are widely used for cleaning electronic surfaces such as LCD screens and touchscreens on personal electronic devices including laptops, smart phones, digital cameras, GPS systems, PDAs, CDs, DVDs, as well as larger LCD plasma screens and touchscreens, monitors, terminals and more.
OPTICO 100 $15.95 per Bx of 100 Wipes
(Individually sealed sanitizing, anti static cleaning cloths for protective eyewear in countertop dispenser box.)
OPTICO 200 $20.95 per Tub of 200 Wipes
(Pre-moistened sanitizing, anti static cleaning cloths for protective eyewear in "pull out-one-at-a-time" spring-loaded re-closeable tub.)
Visit our website! Call us today @ 800-268-0568
Not one of my favorite pneumatic tools but still nice to have around. I actually use these to clean my computer screen cause they are so good at it.